Caroline Baudry gets BARNES in the saddle

The director of BARNES Le Marais, a renowned competitive rider, recently stunned everyone at the Masters de Chantilly competition. SoBARNES exclusive: Caroline Baudry tells us how she reconciles her two passions, horse riding and real estate.

Director of the BARNES Le Marais Parisian office during the week, top-level rider at the weekend, Caroline Baudry is living life in the fast lane between these two worlds she takes on with the same passion. Riding her mare, Athina Larquey, she made her mark at the last Masters de Chantilly in the CSI1* category, in particular on Thursday 8 July when she came 2nd in the Prix Essdee Joaillerie (1m20 table A against the clock), and then on Sunday 11 July with a strong 4th place in the Prix Marchal (1m20 table A with jump off).

Caroline, how do you manage a job as intense as being the director of a BARNES office and competitive show-jumping practice at the same time?

Equestrianism is certainly a time-consuming activity, but the same goes for all top-level sports, even at an amateur level. My 11-year-old mare is stabled near Amiens, where she is trained perfectly. I go there to ride her at least once a week, generally at the weekend, which does not encroach on my working hours in Paris. And I join her directly at the venue for competitions. It’s all about organisation!

How did this double-life come about?

My family comes from Saumur, a city renowned for horse riding. I started riding when I was 6 and took part in my first competitions when I was 10. However, I more or less distanced myself from that world during my studies and my first career, which was in fashion. But around ten years ago, when I was looking for a change of career, I came into contact with the BARNES brand through show-jumping. And there was an instant click.

What parallel can you draw between horse riding and real estate?

Horse riding and real estate are two worlds in which you need to challenge yourself every day, re-evaluate yourself. They are two emotional roller-coasters where anything can happen. The only way to stay at the top is to accept nothing but excellence.

Do your clients know that you’re a horse rider?

Not really, but I quickly form a bond with people who share the same passion. What’s more, with BARNES supporting me through my competitions, we try to take the opportunity to organise events with our clients. These shared moments are always so valuable. And I’m proud to wear the brand’s logo on my saddle!

You’ve achieved excellent results at the Masters de Chantilly. What can we wish for your future on this journey?

To continue to work as a team with Athina Larquey, who is an extraordinary mare, for as long as possible. And maybe to help young riders in the future to achieve their dreams by sharing my experience.

Interview by Laurent Caillaud

[email protected]


Contact :

BARNES Le Marais - 125, rue Vieille-du-Temple, 75003 Paris

Tél. : +33 (0)1 84 25 51 80 /

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