Miscellaneous and working-class, Paris’ 19th arrondissement long lacked acclamation. But its bohemian atmosphere, its green spaces — Les Buttes Chaumont —, its canals and their quays — Canal de l’Ourcq, Bassin de la Villette — have been drawing a new, family and arty clientèle for some time now. Its neighbourhoods are filled with rural charm and a vast array of fashionable boutiques and eco-responsible restaurants which all attest to an unbridled creativity and inclusive lifestyle that is so in tune with the times.
The real estate market
The 19th arrondissement is one of the least expensive in Paris. Prices stabilised in 2022 following a considerable increase in 2020 and 2021. Although properties can be found for around €7,000 per square metre, quality apartments in the most coveted areas — around the Buttes Chaumont, Village Jourdain, on the Quai de la Seine, Quai de l'Oise and Quai de la Loire can reach up to 13,000 per sq.m. Houses in La Mouzaïa, a haven of peace with its country feel, sell for between 10,500 and €12,000 per sq.m.
Our advice
Most prestigious transactions are off market, a field in which Barnes is by far the best positioned.
The secret to the 19th arrondissement
“Haussmann and Art Deco apartments on the streets around the Parc des Buttes Chaumont (Rue Manin and Rue Botzaris), apartments with a terrace overlooking the Bassin de la Villette and the Canal de l’Ourcq and properties on Rue de Crimée between Rue Manin and Rue Botzaris.
Top tip: Rare and highly sought after, incredible artist’s studio, villas and beautiful brick houses with a garden sometimes come up for sale in the bucolic area of La Mouzaïa and on the Butte Bergeyre. - Sophie Neama, Director BARNES Paris 10th 19th
Art of living
Unexpected, vibrant, creative, in the heart of the city yet surrounded by greenery and canals, the nineteenth arrondissement is the new place to be in Paris.
Espace Niemeyer
@Espace Niemeyer
Espace Niemeyer, open for certain exhibitions. People also go for the building, a work of art by one of Brazil’s most famous architects, Oscar Niemeyer.
2 place du Colonel Fabien, 75019 Paris
Cité de la Musique
@Cité de la Musique
La Cité de la Musique, an icon of La Villette. At the start of this year, come discover the exhibition on Basquiat and his close connection with music.
221 avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris
Le Pavillon des Canaux
@Pavillon des Canaux
Le Pavillon des Canaux, a hybrid venue where you can brunch and discover the latest temporary exhibitions at the same time. In summer, the tables along the Canal will make you feel like you’re vacationing in the city!
39 quai de la Loire, 75019 Paris
Le Centquatre
@Cent Quatre
The Centquatre, an avant-garde exhibition centre that places the accent on sharing and discovering all forms of art. Performances, concerts, exhibitions, activities and encounters.
5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris
Shopping or Out and about
Land, a florist and botanical laboratory in the heart of the Centquatre. Just take a sneak peek at the boutique’s Instagram account, you'll see what we mean.
Centquatre — 5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris
Le parc des Buttes-Chaumont
Buttes-Chaumont public park is one of the capital’s most impressive green spaces. From summer picnics to winter walks, the weather is always perfect for a stroll!
1 rue Botzaris, 75019 Paris
L’Épicerie Umai
Épicerie Umai is specialised in Japanese food of all sorts. Food lovers and inquiring minds alike flock here to discover new ingredients and fill their trolleys with exotic delights.
22 rue de la Villette, 75019 Paris
Canal de l’Ourcq
A boat ride on the Canal de l’Ourcq, destination Pantin. An activity to be enjoyed with family or friends, regardless of the occasion.
Marin d’eau douce — 37 quai de la Seine, 75019 Paris
The hottest reservations in town
Cheval d’Or
@Cheval d_Or
Cheval d’Or, a neo-bistrot where Chef Florent Ciccoli serves up cuisine at the crossroads of France and Asia. Accompanied by natural wines and sake.
21 rue de la Villette, 75019 Paris
Le Cadoret
@Le Cadoret
Le Cadoret, a canteen/watering hole that serves up local and seasonal ingredients for lunch and dinner.
1 rue Pradier, 75019 Paris
Le Pavillon Puebla
@Le Pavillon Puebla
Pavillon Puebla, a fantastic venue to party and enjoy good food against the charming backdrop of the Buttes-Chaumont, a thousand miles (or at least that’s how it feels) from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Parc des Buttes-Chaumont — Avenue Darcel, 75019 Paris
Mensae, the home of Thibault Sombardie’s 6-course menu, served lunchtime and evening: a true taste of sophistication and invention.
23 rue Melingue, 75019 Paris
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